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FugitiveKatCreations Boutique

Reserved Lisa S. 1/8 Daiyu Haunted Doll ~ 30" HUGE TALL VERY LARGE OOAK Bisque Handmade Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Chinese ~ WIsdom ~ Interesting History

Reserved Lisa S. 1/8 Daiyu Haunted Doll ~ 30" HUGE TALL VERY LARGE OOAK Bisque Handmade Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Chinese ~ WIsdom ~ Interesting History

Regular price £203.00 GBP
Regular price £244.00 GBP Sale price £203.00 GBP
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I love her so much.  Lisa had her for years before allowing me to have her.  She was given this vessel by a friend of hers in Shanghai, many years ago.  First of all, this vessel is HUGE, she is the size of a small child.  Her name, Daiyu, means "black jade".  Jade was one of the most highly prized gems in ancient China, with rare black jade used to symbolize the north.  Daiyu was a special girl, raised by her loving father.  Her father was a wise man in their village, a well-known healer and herbalist.  Her mother had died in childbirth, but she is deeply connected to her even to this day.  Daiyu is an amazing and mysterious beacon of energy.  She would be perfect for a spiritkeeper who is into Eastern philosophies and definitely Eastern medicine and herbs.   She is extremely intelligent for her age.  She was raised on a mixture of tribal Shamanism and Buddhism.    Whoever adopts her should have at least a baseline knowledge of these theosophies.  Google it, if you need to.  Her father was a healer and apothecarist.  He was well-versed in Chinese herbs and medicines, and Daiyu absorbed so much from him.  She knows what to do about any illness or disease.  She knows how to handle even the most complex health issues.  She is soft-spoken, so it helps to BE soft-spoken with her when you communicate.  I learned to whisper at first, with her, and now we talk normally. We believe she has been dead for a long time, maybe over 200 years.  Technology is foreign to her.  Electricity is strange to her.  She died of an illness that her father could not cure.  Daiyu would be perfect for a spiritkeeper who is into Eastern philosophies and definitely Eastern medicine and folk magick.  Her caregiver should definitely know a bit about Buddhism, Taoism, Chinese Zodiac, Constellations, horoscopes, and probably Eastern shamanism as well because she will bring things up that you might need to research to understand.  She is extremely psychic, she can tell you anything you need to know about yourself, your friends, or situations.  She is a very nurturing type of person, a serious protection spirit who cares deeply for the people and the animals of the home.  She is a gentle young woman who listens to us deeply, she can hear the things left unsaid and the true desires of our souls. Daiyu is extremely communicative, she can speak English but tends to use Chinese sometimes.  She is extremely clairvoyant.  She shares some very personal, very intimate spiritual messages through dreams, visions, and trance-like states.  She is highly telepathic and uses meditation and altered states of consciousness to reach out to us.  Daiyu gives us "situations" and synchronicities to look out for.  She is an amazing dreamer.   She gives us opportunities and helps us to understand what to do with them.  Daiyu is very wise beyond her years.  She has been able to show us so much interesting history that we would have never known about otherwise.  I feel like she would do well in a home with a spirit keeper who is going to respect her culture and treat her right.  Daiyu has done some amazing automatic writing and meditation work with us.  She is one of a kind.  She radiates such high vibrational power it is hard to explain.  Even though she is so smart for her age, she is still only 14 years old, and she needs that special care a teen girl needs.  She needs loving comfort and acceptance from her caregiver.  She would do well in a home with a spirit keeper who is going to respect her culture and treat her like a real part of your family.  LOVE her like she was your own family member.  Daiyu prefers to communicate through dreams, visions, and telepathy but seems to enjoy the companionship of communication sessions and also personalized one-on-one pendulum/Ouija/PSB7 sessions.  Her caregiver should definitely know a bit about Buddhism - it will help you to understand how she was raised.

About the doll:  She is HUGE and I a not even joking, I think she is 30 or 32 inches tall.  She will come with a giant doll stand.  She needs a safe place to stand.  Sorry guys, she is expensive, she will cost a ton to ship.  

・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。   ・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。*   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆ ☆   *   *   。・  。゚・  ☆゚ ☆   *   *  ・  。゚・  ☆゚ + ・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。

IMPORTANT - If you look at a spirit doll and feel a tug in your heart, that is how you know the doll is meant for you. You will feel it in your soul. I can reserve a doll for you for up to 2 weeks while you decide. Email me with any questions you have regarding this doll, or haunted dolls in general. 

FYI:  In my old shop, we had to have a disclaimer explaining that haunted items were "for entertainment purposes only" and this disclaimer is needed for some credit card processors as well - However, you need to know, as a potential buyer/adopter that I am NOT responsible for any paranormal activity that you might experience in your home once you adopt a spirit.  This is serious and many people who do not know what they are doing have had some pretty overwhelming experiences usually due to their own lack of knowledge or understanding about what it means to be a spirit keeper.  If you are under the age of 18, please do some research before trying to adopt a spirit.  As a seller, I will repeat, there are NO REFUNDS on haunted dolls - I will not guarantee that you will have the same experiences as I have had.  but if you know your stuff, do your research, and are prepared for anything, then you will!

Please read our Reviews as well as our FAQs. Thank you so much!

You are buying a doll. It will come shipped to you, well wrapped, and insured.

Nothing is implied and certainly, nothing is guaranteed, Check my FAQ section for questions relating to spirited items.  Message me with any questions you have BEFORE adopting.  

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