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FugitiveKatCreations Boutique

Dove Haunted Doll ~ 24" BIG Handmade Bisque OOAK Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Smart ~ Bratty ~ Spoiled ~ Cunning for a Kid ~ Entertaining

Dove Haunted Doll ~ 24" BIG Handmade Bisque OOAK Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Smart ~ Bratty ~ Spoiled ~ Cunning for a Kid ~ Entertaining

Regular price £123.00 GBP
Regular price £131.00 GBP Sale price £123.00 GBP
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Dove is her real legal name!  I had never heard of that before.  Its an old British thing, apparently.  She certainly is an interesting girl - she was raised in a nice house, with nice things, and a rich father, and has never had anyone tell her the word "NO" in her entire short life.  Her father worked for the Royal Family, perhaps as a secretary, certainly not doing housework or anything like that.   Dove was spoiled rotten.  Her mother had died when she was little, so she was raised by "the help".  She always had a bullying nature, and often lost friends due to her deviousness and cruel streak.  She liked to show how smart she was, without thinking of the tactfulness or consecquences of "winning" in her mind.  She would often torment the little girls who wanted to hang out with her so they could play with her expensive toys.  She was a spoiled rotten bully, no two ways around that.  However, she loved her Au Pair.  LOVED her. She thought of her as her mother.  I think losing her mother was so much worse for her than her father ever knew.  She has a tendancy to SUPER attach to people.  I think Dove tends to over-love the people she meets who make her feel safe and loved and there is nothing wrong with that.  She tends to get OVERLY emotionally attached to certain people, there is no rhyme or reason to whom she chooses - but if she likes you, she REALLY likes you.  Dove will protect you and love you with everything she has.  She watches and listens to everything.  If she thinks someone is hurting you or has bad intentions, she makes it known.  Dove has scratched people, scared people, and generally given people a really negative experience, but she only does that if she feels it is justified.  She is a very interesting girl.  I love hearing about her memories.  Dove does better NOW with other child spirits than she ever did with real kids when she was alive.  I think she has seen how her behaviour might have affected her friendships badly.  She is very intelligent.  Stunningly so.  We think Dove needs a true "motherly" type, since she never really had a solid parent in her life.  She sure is a colorful soul.  Just make sure you connect with her BEFORE adopting her, we had a friend borrow her on a whim, and that poor girl will never borrow another haunted doll from us again after that experience.  Dove was NOT happy.  When Dove isn't happy, NOBODY in the house is happy.  She is so smart.  She is almost like evil genius smart, but she's not truly "evil" - she's just a super smart bratty kid who is just impressive to me. She is veryt active, we hear a little British accent, we find "stolen loot" under her dress.  We hear footsteps following us around.  We get winds and breezes in the house.  Dove is a very active, extremely emotional force in this house. She likes to play with light-up toys and music boxes.  She communicates well-using electronics, like EVPs and the PSB7 spirit box.  She does well with the pendulum when she feels like it.  Dove needs a special caregiver, someone who understands that she is NOT like other 8-year-olds, she is like way too clever for her own good type of kid. Dove needs a good home with a lot of space because this girl collects things.  Like wallets, keys, phone stylus's, etc. LOL.  She's a smart ass brat and she is CLEVER.  Keep her busy with books and toys.  Dove is one of a kind for sure.  

About the doll:  She is a porcelain bisque handmade artist doll, a toddler doll, LARGE. She will NOT come with a doll stand. She needs to sit on her butt.  

・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。   ・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。*   。*  +   *  ・ 。☆ ☆   *   *   。・  。゚・  ☆゚ ☆   *   *  ・  。゚・  ☆゚ + ・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚。

IMPORTANT - If you look at a spirit doll and feel a tug in your heart, that is how you know the doll is meant for you. You will feel it in your soul. I can reserve a doll for you for up to 2 weeks while you decide. Email me with any questions you have regarding this doll, or haunted dolls in general. 

FYI:  In my old shop, we had to have a disclaimer explaining that haunted items were "for entertainment purposes only" and this disclaimer is needed for some credit card processors as well - However, you need to know, as a potential buyer/adopter that I am NOT responsible for any paranormal activity that you might experience in your home once you adopt a spirit.  This is serious and many people who do not know what they are doing have had some pretty overwhelming experiences usually due to their own lack of knowledge or understanding about what it means to be a spirit keeper.  If you are under the age of 18, please do some research before trying to adopt a spirit.  As a seller, I will repeat, there are NO REFUNDS on haunted dolls - I will not guarantee that you will have the same experiences as I have had.  but if you know your stuff, do your research, and are prepared for anything, then you will!

Please read our Reviews as well as our FAQs. Thank you so much!

You are buying a doll. It will come shipped to you, well wrapped, and insured.

Nothing is implied and certainly, nothing is guaranteed, Check my FAQ section for questions relating to spirited items.  Message me with any questions you have BEFORE adopting.  

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