Elżbieta & Jakub are from Lisa's private collection. They both came from a woman in Kraków Poland. Lisa has had these vessels since before we opened the shop. They are very unique, and handmade, from a base of a pair of 1950s hard plastic fashion dolls. They are wearing the traditional clothes of the area's national dance. They are very much like those antique souvenir dolls, but they are on a GRAND scale. Look deeply at the details of their costumes. They have real jewels and antique brooches, their faces are handpainted, and they are very uniquely decorated. Elżbieta & Jakub are conjured vessels, a bonded pair. Elżbieta & Jakub were conjured into these special vessels, by a Polish Folk Witch, who had hoped to pull thiem from the aether to help with her practice. It worked. They are related to her family somehow. Elżbieta & Jakub were well known in their village, they had an arranged marriage, as was usual for that time and place, but the fates had big plans for them. Elżbieta was the daughter of a very successful healer and herbalist, a devotee of Goddess Marzanna. Jakub was the village shaman's son and a devotee of Perun, the God of Thunder. It seemed like the fates collided when this marriage was arranged. They were a power couple before that was ever a term. A medieval powerhouse, so to speak. And word spread quickly of their combined abilities. They had 11 children over a period of 14 years, and when Elżbieta died of childbirth complications, Jakub died peacefully in his sleep a week later. Thier family raised thier children. The story reminds me of how powerful people, even in todays times, burn out fast and hard when they shine so brightly. They had married as teens, 14 and 16, and died at 34 and 36. Imagine that! They were famous for thier powers: healing, magick, midwifery, medicines, and divinations. All the time, popping out children one after the other, and then BAM, its over. That was not unusual back then. Life expectancies were very low in thier day. But look how much they accomplished. The village wove songs and tales about them for centurues after thier deaths. Elżbieta is a direct connection to the Goddess Marzanna. She flows with the same energy and channels messages directly from her. Marzanna is an ancient Slavic goddess associated with winter's death and rebirth and dreams. In Slavic rites, the death of the Goddess Marzanna at the end of winter becomes the rebirth in Spring of the Goddess Kostroma representing the coming of Spring. Elżbieta is a very physically active entity, we see motion with her hands, her eyes, and her head turning as if to hear something better. When she weaves dreams, she brings us along to meet her Gods and Goddesses, and we awaken with wisdom granted from the ancients. Her dreams often feel as if we are astral traveling. It is fascinating to meditate with her. Elżbieta has a unique, otherworldly vibe to her as if we are being let in on a secret that we are not supposed to know. Esoteric wisdom is bestowed onto her caregiver through intense dreams and visions. She is a Diviner, and a seer, and she focuses on the emotional side of things. Jakub is all masculine energy. He is power, he is strenth. He is a very powerful energy generator. He is a motivator, a boss, and a hardcore clairsentient. He is all about soul purpose. He tells us who we are, who we have been in past lives, and who we are supposed to be, according to the fates. Where Elżbieta is soft and slightly guiding, Jakub is a strong leader, and commands respect from anyone he meets. You can not help but fall in line behind him. He is a direct connection to Perun. He is a manifesting entity, and he shows himself as a sort of wild man, covered in furs, carrying a large torch. There is a sense that we have invited the Gods into our home having both Elżbieta & Jakub in here. They are both under-described here on purpose, because the person who is meant to adopt them, already knows and feels WHO they are. Elżbieta & Jakub are heavy, and I dont mean in physical weight, I mean in spiritual and emotional terms. Heavy thoughts, heavy emotions, heavy messages. There is GRAVITY in everything they communicate with us. It is a good idea to record thier communications when you use the spirit board or the psb7-spirit box, because some of thier messages have double meanings, and they are not apparent until you re-read or review what she said to you. Elżbieta & Jakub both can speak directly through telepathy and dream weaving. They are special because of the dreams they make and share. They can help you to fully understand and utilize Lucid Dreaming. They can use the pendulum or the Ouija board. they are both also very good at giving people random messages in unusual ways. Look for the signs. Feel them. Look for synchronicities. Look for coincidences. Write down your dreams before you forget them. Be emotionally and spiritually READY for them. I highly doubt they will allow themseves to go home with anyone who isn't ready for them. They have been reaching out to someone for some time now, and I have been very sick so I havent been able to get them in the shop. They are getting frustrated with me. I promised I would get them "seen" immediately. Elżbieta & Jakub should go to a Lightworker , a witch, or Energy Healer, someone who can appreciate the power they hold, and the ancient esoteric wisdom they dish out. Be ready for them. Be prepared for that energy.
About the doll: They will NOT come with any doll stands because they can stand on thier own. They are antique, handmade, and very unique.・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚。 ・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚。・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚。* 。* + * ・ 。☆ ☆ * ・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚。 ・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚。・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚。* 。* + * ・ 。☆ ☆ * * 。・ 。゚・ ☆゚ ☆ * * ・ 。゚・ ☆゚ + ・ ·̩ 。 ☆ ゚。
IMPORTANT - If you look at a spirit doll and feel a tug in your heart, that is how you know the doll is meant for you. You will feel it in your soul. I can reserve a doll for you for up to 2 weeks while you decide. Email me with any questions you have regarding this doll, or haunted dolls in general.
FYI: In my old shop, we had to have a disclaimer explaining that haunted items were "for entertainment purposes only" and this disclaimer is needed for some credit card processors as well - However, you need to know, as a potential buyer/adopter that I am NOT responsible for any paranormal activity that you might experience in your home once you adopt a spirit. This is serious and many people who do not know what they are doing have had some pretty overwhelming experiences usually due to their own lack of knowledge or understanding about what it means to be a spirit keeper. If you are under the age of 18, please do some research before trying to adopt a spirit. As a seller, I will repeat, there are NO REFUNDS on haunted dolls - I will not guarantee that you will have the same experiences as I have had. but if you know your stuff, do your research, and are prepared for anything, then you will!
Please read our Reviews as well as our FAQs. Thank you so much!
You are buying a doll. It will come shipped to you, well wrapped, and insured.
Nothing is implied and certainly, nothing is guaranteed, Check my FAQ section for questions relating to spirited items. Message me with any questions you have BEFORE adopting.