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FugitiveKatCreations Boutique

Ace Haunted Doll ~ 45" HUGE Handmade Cloth Clown Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Strange ~ Weird Energy ~ Creepy ~ Will Try to Scare You ~ HIGHY ACTIVE

Ace Haunted Doll ~ 45" HUGE Handmade Cloth Clown Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Strange ~ Weird Energy ~ Creepy ~ Will Try to Scare You ~ HIGHY ACTIVE

Regular price £74.00 GBP
Regular price £106.00 GBP Sale price £74.00 GBP
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You all know how I feel about Clowns.  Ew.  And Ace is a jackass, for real.  The kind of guy you would never get into a car alone with.  You would flip out if your sister brought him home to meet your parents.  He is scummy.   He feels like a lurcher, stalker, creepy guy.  The kind of guy that a school would not hire for fear of him placing cameras in the toilets.  Yeah, he is a weirdo.  A pervert, a very old-fashioned, chauvinist pig, misogynist. Lecherous.  Entitled.  OK, enough about him - let me tell you how I came to be in possession of this thing.  A guy I know was traveling through Europe and staying in the bicycle hostels.  He rides bikes and backpacks.  Sometimes there are hostels on the trail and sometimes there are platforms to make your tent and sleep on.  There was a tent in one of these platform areas already.  My friend assumed someone was there, and perhaps had wandered into the forest to find the creek or the hot springs.  So he sets up his own tent on the other side of the platform.  The missing tent guy never shows up.  My friend goes to sleep and wakes up to find the other tent right next to his.  He thought that was really strange, and frankly, rude, so he got up and said something, loudly.  He SWEARS he hears "fuck off" from inside the tent.  He gets mad and quickly undoes his tent back into the backpack and has fully planned on just walking away.  A big gust of wind comes and the mystery tent blows off the platform.  Now, it cant do that if a person was inside.  His natural reaction was to go grab the tent to see WTF is going on.  Inside that tent, is this clown doll, a sleeping bag, a backpack full of food, and nothing else.  My friend at this point is fully creeped the F right out, and he doesn't even know why, but he grabs the clown and the backpack and rides to the nearest town.  He tells a cop about it.  The backpack is given up to see if a human belonged to it.  He never hears anything about it ever again.  I got the clown in a box labeled from Austria, sent by my friend, with a handwritten note of what I just explained.  He followed up with a phone call, but it didn't make me feel any better.  Everyone knows I hate clowns.  Ace is a jerk.  He won't help us figure out the mystery of where he came from.  Insteasd he wants to comment on my boobs or something equally rude.  I feel like he is much older than he seems.  I feel like he has perverted intentions.  Luckily he is not much of a grabber.  He has never grabbed any of us, and that's a plus, but his words are just as violating in my opinion.  He tells us he needs a woman who knows how to cook.  Things like that.  I have mastered snapping back at him, but I am tired of him being ion my house.  This guy is the type who HAS to communicate with his caregiver, either through the use of tools or in dreams.  He has to be heard or he will misbehave and start talking a unch of crap nobody wants to hear.  He will move things around.  He will try to scare us, but its so obvious that he is just trying to exert power over us - so its not really scary at all, its pathetic.  Little D energy, if you know what I mean.  He tries to get that "fear" energy out of us, but it only takes a couple days to really know who he is and once you do, you will never be scared of him at all. Ace is the guy at the bar who knows he is a creep but cant give up trying.  He communicates well, but his misogyny shows through every time he speaks.  He is a jerk.  I don't like him.  I think he would do really well in a frat house.  He would do great in a house of debauchery.  Ace communicates well using the PSB7 and the Ouija board.  He loves the pendulum.   I would keep him in a containment box, if possible.  He's just no good.  I'd be interested to see his energy at work in a confined space, like a bar or a restaurant.  I am sure he has a criminal history, which is why he refuses to give me any identifiers, like a legal name, dob, etc.  We get a ton of movements from him, orbs, light anomalies.  He might do well with an investigative team, but the ladies will hate him, just like we do.  

About the doll: He will not come with a doll stand. He is a cloth handmade vessel.  

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IMPORTANT - If you look at a spirit doll and feel a tug in your heart, that is how you know the doll is meant for you. You will feel it in your soul. I can reserve a doll for you for up to 2 weeks while you decide. Email me with any questions you have regarding this doll, or haunted dolls in general. 

FYI:  In my old shop, we had to have a disclaimer explaining that haunted items were "for entertainment purposes only" and this disclaimer is needed for some credit card processors as well - However, you need to know, as a potential buyer/adopter that I am NOT responsible for any paranormal activity that you might experience in your home once you adopt a spirit.  This is serious and many people who do not know what they are doing have had some pretty overwhelming experiences usually due to their own lack of knowledge or understanding about what it means to be a spirit keeper.  If you are under the age of 18, please do some research before trying to adopt a spirit.  As a seller, I will repeat, there are NO REFUNDS on haunted dolls - I will not guarantee that you will have the same experiences as I have had.  but if you know your stuff, do your research, and are prepared for anything, then you will!

Please read our Reviews as well as our FAQs. Thank you so much!

You are buying a doll. It will come shipped to you, well wrapped, and insured.

Nothing is implied and certainly, nothing is guaranteed, Check my FAQ section for questions relating to spirited items.  Message me with any questions you have BEFORE adopting.  

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