About us!

Hello WORLD!  Here is a bit about us and what we do here. My name is Kat and I have been considered a weirdo my entire life. I am a Capricorn, a free-thinker, a survivor, and a magnet for strangeness. I love haunted things and weird dolls, and I have a knack for finding treasures, even in the trash.

Mike is a weirdo like me, and he does all of our shipping. He loves his bubble wrap! He is into martial arts, Buddhism, and tarot readings. He is an amazing animal whisperer, a classically trained pianist, a PISCES, and a sailor!

We have been Paranormal Enthusiasts for many years now, and for the past 8 years have curated one of the most popular and successful haunted doll shops on Etsy.  Now we are here, with our own shop.  I collect all kinds of dolls, Haunted Dolls, Vintage dolls, Dolls from all over the world, French and German Repro dolls, and MORE! I am a magnet for the unusual and unexplained. I have been blessed to have the gift of telepathy and intuition. I have been blessed with a small group of friends to investigate and study paranormal occurrences with. I come from a long line of psychics, fortune tellers, and gypsies. I spend most of my time these days doing paranormal investigations on haunted items, refurbishing broken or misused dolls, doing doll makeovers, and studying.

People send me dolls and other items from all over the world. If you are interested in having a doll or other item investigated, please see my BLOG POSTS section. Recently we have been asked WHY we do not keep all of our dolls, and the answer is simple - we are not meant to. We are merely a stopping point for these amazing beings, who, just like people, are on their own special journey. They choose whom they want to be with, pay attention to the signs of connection. If you have any questions, email me.


We do not tolerate homophobia, racism, or hate in any form. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.