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FugitiveKatCreations Boutique

Billie Haunted Doll ~ 28" Handmade Cloth Boudoir Style Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Mean B*tch ~ Strange and Unusual ~ Kind of Sad

Billie Haunted Doll ~ 28" Handmade Cloth Boudoir Style Vessel ~ Paranormal ~ Mean B*tch ~ Strange and Unusual ~ Kind of Sad

Regular price ¥12,600 JPY
Regular price ¥14,100 JPY Sale price ¥12,600 JPY
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Billie is a weird one.  She will hurt your feelings.  This woman has no tact or even simple courtesy.  She is pissed off that her life did not go as planned and she is even MORE upset that the afterlife is not what she expected.  She is a house-haunter.  I find her to be quite amusing, and she and I have had some intense brawls.  We have an understanding now, after knowing her for 8 years, but WOW.  I feel like she was really full of herself and conceited in her life, and that carried over into her afterlife.  She is an attention whore and a drama queen for sure.  I usually can't stand those kinds of people, and we have butted heads numerous times over the years, but all in all, I think I figured her out more or less.  She needs an exciting life, a fast-paced house, a TON of attention, and she needs to be NUMBER ONE.  Yeah, good luck in finding that these days, but I promised her I would do my best to find her the kind of life she desires.  It's pretty hard when she talks more sh*t than the average person.  She tends to make herself un-likable, which makes things hard.  She reminds me of one of those rich housewives of Beverly Hills, and yet, she was never rich!  She was just a b*tch!  Billie was born Roberta, but she HATES that name.  She was a "debutante" type of girl but without the debutante type of life.  She grew up in a poor town in West Texas.  She was one of the popular girls, but she never really showed me any redeeming qualities other than she was a mean girl and a bully.  She was smart, and she was tough, but she was a backstabbing type of mean girl and nobody really liked her, but she was still very popular.  Typical for that '80s era, I suppose.  She married her high school boyfriend, the quarterback, and he, of course, never got a real job, lived in his glory days, and hated being faithful.  She was miserable.  All from her own choices, mind you, but miserable nonetheless.  Billie is also a bit of a drinker, and I think this part of her negative personality was really exacerbated by alcohol.   so she did all the things she was "supposed" to do, throwing parties, having children, pretending to be happy, but none of it ever did.  She drank herself to death before her youngest kid was even 18.  She was a miserable b*tch to her family, her fake Texas friends, and even her neighbors.  And she STILL IS.  She loves to talk sh*t about the other spirits here.  I keep her away from the children and teenagers.  I keep her away from everyone I can.  She is a mean-spirited b*tch.  HOWEVER, if you like to get buzzed and talk sh*t about people she is YOUR GIRL.  She loves a glass of wine or hard alcohol.  It is her trigger.  She can get really active all of a sudden, we think she "gets drunk" and goes off the charts.  The K2 and all the light-up balls go wild.  She is SUPER kinetic and always full of electricity. She always shocks me hard when I grab her.  Billie is like a tazer.  She is so full of negativity, but not like a negative spirit, just a negative woman in general.  Unhappy, miserable, hates herself, hates her life.  Full of regret.  She is the perfect spirit to make you realize how good you have it.  She makes you really grateful to NOT be like her.  She is the epitome of what happens when we hold on to negative feelings too long.  these feelings affect us.  Don't get me wrong, Billie is an interesting woman for sure.  In fact, she loves to "show off" for investigations.  She is the perfect vessel if you want to put her on YouTube and let her do her thing.  But man, she is a warning to us all, ladies.  Let that sh*t go!   Do not hold on to anger or resentment.  You WILL end up a highly charged kinetic pissed-off bitter ghost.  We get a TON of electrical anomalies, computer mishaps, SPARKS, and even electric noises in our ears.  Billie did have a rough home life, her husband was a chronic cheater and an alcoholic.  Her dreams went out the window, she lived her life just going through the motions.  After YEARS of dealing with that, it affects a person.  Billie is unpredictable at times, moody, and perhaps menopausal/bipolar.  She can rage for no reason, and then be happy an hour later. All of her anger is pointed at her wasted life, never specifically at us.  I hope she gets adopted by someone who will put a camera on her and let her get the attention she seeks.  She is excellent on the PSB7 and with the pendulum.  She will force her way into your head when she feels like it.  just remember that she WILL hurt your feelings - like, her words can cut like a knife and that's part of her charm.  

ABOUT THE DOLL:  She is cloth, handmade, she was made in the early 1990s.  She will not come with a doll stand.

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Please check out my Instagram for more detailed information on the dolls:

IMPORTANT - If you look at a spirit doll and feel a tug in your heart, that is how you know the doll is meant for you. You will feel it in your soul. I can reserve a doll for you for up to 2 weeks while you decide. Email me with any questions you have regarding this doll, or haunted dolls in general. 

This doll came from Lisa's personal collection. She has curated her dolls from around the world. Some picked up while she was on assignment overseas, and some were given to her. Some of them called out to her from second-hand shops. She studies them carefully and observes them for months before making any final assessments of their personality or behavior. Lisa's collection of Haunted and Enchanted dolls are some of the most intriguing in the world.

Please read our Reviews as well as our FAQs. Thank you so much!

You are buying a doll. It will come shipped to you, well wrapped, and insured.

Per the rules, I must tell you that all items in the Haunted section are for entertainment purposes only.  Nothing is implied and certainly, nothing is guaranteed, check my FAQ section for questions relating to spirited items.  Message me with any questions you have BEFORE adopting.  

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