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RING Silver Dragonfly Aquamarine Enchanted Fae Faerie Magick Ring RESTOCKED Witchcraft Sidhe Creativity Dreams

RING Silver Dragonfly Aquamarine Enchanted Fae Faerie Magick Ring RESTOCKED Witchcraft Sidhe Creativity Dreams

Regular price $31.00 NZD
Regular price $45.00 NZD Sale price $31.00 NZD
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Restocked! UPDATE! They are BACK! We just got a new batch of newly charged FAIRY RINGS! These Faerie rings were blessed with Faerie Magick Energy and allowed to charge up under the Full WOLF Moon on January 28th of 2021.  These were sent to us by our friends who belong to a coven in Georgia. They have sent us some magic-infused items in the past, like the magick-cats, and we always love them! This would be perfect as a Best Friend Gift, especially for your witchy friends. The magick that keeps on giving.

The ring itself has a leaf and a dragonfly on it - Across cultures, people believe that the dragonfly has a strong association with light. The body of the dragonfly can reflect and refract white light to create beautiful colors, and this is the reason it has been associated with magical qualities and mysticism. Some people even believe that these insects possess supernatural powers and are spiritual messengers. They exhibit the phenomenon of iridescence, which means they change colors depending on the angle of light or the angle from which you look at them. Thus, these insects also symbolize illusion i.e making others see you the way you want them to see! The ring has an Aquamarine stone which has its own uses and meanings (see below).

Spell to call Faerie Magick energy to the Ring-bearer:

Mist-clad in the light of the moon Starspun seekers – I search for thee! Faery light – I ask thy boon Of branch and thorn and Elder tree! Wood woven creatures, shadow weavers Riverkeepers – come to me! Just beyond reaching Never in keeping Spirits of Faery – I call unto thee! Wind-hewn wildness Dark and brightness Spiral enchantments – born of the sky! Cradle me with eleven hands, Abide with me, thy human child!

When wearing the ring, you may feel a deep connection to the Fae: a shift in the breeze for the sylphs; a tear in your eye for the water nymphs; a stirring in the leaves from the dryads; a warm glow from the salamanders; a grounded feeling from the pixies. Once this happens, simply speak to them with respect and affection. Acknowledging their existence, caring for nature, and speaking from your heart will show them you are a trusted human companion, and in return, they will share their blessings with you.

ABOUT AQUAMARINE: Aquamarine is a stone of empowerment, for men and women alike. It helps in the realization that not all power comes from force. There is also power in aligning with the yielding, resilient vitality of life, and in promoting truthful and compassionate communication. It lends women the courage to express their inner knowing and enhances their intuitive abilities and helps dispel the emotional numbness and difficulty men sometimes experience in communicating their feelings. Aquamarine can be used as a gateway crystal to the Divine Feminine, both within the self and in Her outer manifestations.

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